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  • latest072111

    07/22/2011 | The K7RA Solar Update

    The average daily sunspot numbers for the week rose nearly 27 points to 92.4, while the average daily solar flux increased more than 9 points to 98.2. Sunspot numbers for July 14-20 were 79, 90, 75, 101, 127, 96 and 79, with a mean of 92.4. The 10.7 cm fl
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  • latest060911

    06/10/2011 | The K7RA Solar Update

    Although higher early in the reporting week, the average daily sunspot numbers declined more than 4 points to 85.7, while the average of daily solar flux numbers were down 1.5 points to 101.6 when compared to the previous week, May 26-June 1. Sunspot numb
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